We offer exclusive Loyalty Program member benefits- such as special offers and service deals. Whether you have an older home or new construction, trust that Cavanagh Electric will ensure your electrical safety and effciency.
A liscenced & insured electrician will complete a 30-point home inspection- covering any basements/crawlspaces, furnaces, air conditioners, main panel. smoke/C02 detectors, switches, gas lines, etc.
Electric Meter Inspection
A visual inspection of the electrical meter. Checking for corrosion or rusting is important; as it is unsafe and can cause serious problems.
Smoke & C02 Detector Testing/Maitenence Services
It's extremely important to have your smoke and C02 detectors regularly checked. Our electricians will be able to test and perform any maintenance as needed.
GFCI Receptacle Testing Services
Our team members can test the GFCI receptacles as a protective and proactive measure to know the condition of the electrical wires in the outlet- which can lead to safety issues.
FREE Light Bulb Replacement
Any standard LED lightbulb, up to 8', can be replaced for FREE by our technicians
Panel Tune Up
During the tune-up, one of our electricians will check the electrical panel and ensure no breakers are overheating. This can let us catch any potential risks before they turn into serious problems.